30 Minute House Cleaning Routine

June 28, 2018 by Mulberry Maids

Cleaning can be a daunting task, knowing you need to clean your whole house takes it to another level! While you can’t perform a full deep cleaning in 30 minutes, you can accomplish a lot – and it can be fun and active too.  Below is a simple whole house cleaning routine, that can be done in about 30 minutes. While it is not a substitute to a full deep cleaning, this routine, done a couple times a week, can keep your home more consistently clean and tidy.  

  1. Load up your dishwasher and washing machine: This allows two tasks to run in the background, while you are going through your house, creating a great multitasking cleaning situation.
  2. Work on the clutter: Do a quick run through of your house, and pick up any clutter and place it in a basket.  Put everything away at the end of the routine, or better yet, try to donate or throw out some of the clutter. For more information on clutter, check out these posts, 12 items to get rid of to declutter your home and how to deal with clutter.  
  3. Bathroom Cleaning: Spend a few minutes in each of your bathrooms.  This is the most important part of the routine, and done consistently, will become easier to do each time.  You can start by putting in a toilet bowl cleaner and letting it sit while you do a quick disinfecting cleaning of the sink, shower, and toilet area.  Make sure to clean your mirrors, and replace all the old towels with clean towels. To keep your bathroom in the best shape possible, check out this simple daily 5 minute bathroom cleaning.
  4. Kitchen Cleaning:  Hopefully you already have the dishwasher running, but if not, load it up and get it started.  Replace any dirty towels, sponges, and wash clothes with new fresh ones, and do a quick wipe down of all surfaces, including counter tops and your sink.  Follow these tips to help keep your kitchen consistently clean, to make kitchen cleaning a quick process.  
  5. Quick Dust and Tidy:  Move throughout your house from room to room doing a dusting and quick organizing of miscellaneous items.  This is a good time to go through the basket of clutter that was picked up, either putting the items in their correct spot, or donating the rest.  

This routine can be done a couple days a week.  To keep up the motivation, set a timer and try to set a record for your fastest cleaning time.  The more you do it, the quicker it will be each time. Now relax and enjoy a clean home!