A New Year’s Resolution For A Tidy Home

January 7, 2021 by Mulberry Maids

cleaning an exterior oven with gloves onAh, New Year’s Resolution time!  While resolutions can be tough to commit fully to, a practical and solid plan goes a long way in helping with consistently following through. So, like any resolution, ramping up your routine home cleaning will take some good planning to accomplish throughout the new year. 

Even with a solid plan in place, consistency in a resolution is hard to achieve.  Luckily, the best Loveland maids are here to help when you need an extra hand! 

Where should I start?

Even the best intentions have a way of falling to the wayside, and if you are new to home cleaning, reading up on some techniques and skills is a good place to start.  If your home is in need of a serious deep cleaning, check out our guide to move out cleaning which can help to get your home back in shape quickly.  It is also good to learn about ergonomic cleaning to make sure you are able to clean consistently and without injury, as well as speed cleaning tips to help speed up your routine house cleaning. 

What should be focused on during the first whole house deep cleaning:

  • Cleaning up all clutter throughout the home should be done before any cleaning starts
  • Organize, stow away, donate, recycle, or toss out excess clutter and belongings
  • Once clutter is picked up, it is best to start with high use areas, such as the kitchen and master bathroom
  • Depending on the size of the home, you may want to break up this first cleaning into multiple days, to help with overwhelm and fatigue
  • Pay attention to high touch areas:  sanitize them and clean them up, to really brighten up a living space

What should my cleaning routine look like?

Congratulations, you made it through your first whole home deep cleaning!  Now what?  To help with consistency, it is best to not leave all the cleaning to one day going forward.  This will make consistent cleaning difficult, as it will be too easy to put it off to another day.  It is usually best to do a little bit each day, or every other day, so the task is not too daunting.  

Tips to help with consistent cleaning:

  • Try to get on a rotating room cleaning schedule.  Depending on the size and layout of your home, a rotating schedule keeps the daily cleaning to a minimum, while consistently cleaning rooms in your home as much as once a week.  You don’t need to deep clean each room each week, especially if you keep up on cleaning, but you will want to give everything a good wipe down to keep your home in better shape. 
  • Use family help. If you are lucky enough to live with a supportive family, educate them as to why a clean house is better, and try to enlist their help with cleaning.  Even if they don’t do as much as you do, any help goes a long way in keeping things clean.  This doesn’t just include cleaning, but other habits, such as putting things away to decrease clutter, or not wearing shoes inside. 
  • Professional cleaning services can help immensely with cleaning.  Even with just using a cleaning service once a month, your cleaning routine will be much easier.  You will have an easier time keeping up on routine cleaning, and will have a monthly refresher to get everything pristine again. 

How long should cleaning take?

This depends on quite a few factors, like the size of your home, how many people live in it, and whether you have pets.  A good rule of thumb for consistent maintenance cleaning, is to spend no more than 15 – 20 minutes cleaning a room.  For many spaces in the home, such as a bedroom or living room, you will be faster than this.  It is a good idea to spend this much time in the kitchen and heavily used bathrooms though.  As with anything, the more you clean it, the less time each cleaning will take. 

If you are really pressed for time, professional help can ease the cleaning burden for you, and also make cleaning an easier and more satisfying chore. 

Book the best Loveland maids for your home cleaning!

Mulberry Maids offers competitive pricing and a 100% happiness guarantee!  We only work with the top cleaners in the area, and we offer professional cleaning and customer service. 

Book your cleaning online using our easy to use booking page, and rest assured that your home cleaning will be taken care of by the pros.  Spend a day hiking at the Pinewood Reservoir instead of cleaning your home!  

Reach out to us anytime at (970) 460-4298.  We can’t wait to help you soon!