How To Clean Your Cell Phone To Perfection

July 7, 2020 by Mulberry Maids

holding a clean black cell phone

In today’s fast paced life, almost everyone owns a cell phone for daily personal use. With all of this constant phone use, keeping your phone clean and sanitized can be very hard.  Additionally, maintaining a clean Fort Collins house can be difficult enough, let alone keeping your personal items clean and sanitized.  The most trusted way to ensure your home is clean is to schedule professional dependable cleaners in Fort Collins to clean your home on a regular basis.

During these uncertain times, it is best to stay on top of cleaning all spaces and belongings, which is why we have helped guide you in the past with tips on how to handwash your laundry and how to make the most of your time with ways to speed clean

To make sure that you have all your bases covered when cleaning throughout your home, we will give you some tips on how to clean your cell phone. Read on to learn more.

How do I clean my cell phone?

Unless you keep your cell phone permanently in a drawer, it is likely that your cell phone is full of germs from being touched frequently. Especially with the current issues with the coronavirus, regular cleaning of your cell phone should be a top priority. 

To clean your whole families cell phones you will need:

  • Microfiber Cloth
  • Paper Towel
  • Disinfecting Wipes (base of at least 70% alcohol)

Avoid using these products:

  • Any type of spray or liquid that submerges the phone
  • Soaps
  • Vinegar
  • Anything not recommended by the cell phone manufacturer 

Should I sanitize my cell phone?

Cell phones should be sanitized just like any other high touch surface to slow or prevent the spread of germs, viruses, and other bacteria.  A phone can be in contact with more than just your hands and face – it can fall on the floor or be placed on dirty counter tops and shelves in and outside of your home.  

Experts recommend using at least a 70% alcohol based disinfecting wipe to make sure that any bacteria or virus on your phone is killed.  

Steps to clean and sanitize phone:

  • Remove the phone from the protective case if there is one, and turn the phone off
  • Wipe the phone down with a microfiber cloth
  • Use your alcohol based disinfecting wipes to wipe the exterior of the phone, giving care around any internal ports 
  • Wipe down the exterior of the phone again, with a new microfiber cloth or a clean and dry paper towel
  • Repeat these same steps with the phone case
  • Put the phone case back on the phone only when the phone and case are completely dry and clean

How frequently should a cell phone be cleaned?

While it would not be practical to clean your cell phone as much as you wash your hands, your phone should be thoroughly cleaned at least twice a week according to experts, along with other high touch areas to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection. Additionally, the phone should be cleaned after anyone borrows it or you sneeze, cough, or touch it with potentially contaminated hands.

By taking care of your cell phone, you can visit spots in Fort Collins such as Old Town Square to catch a concert or visit a local restaurant with confidence that your phone will not be a risk factor in you getting sick.  

Taking care of your cell phone is very important for the health of you and your family, and is a quick and easy job. 

Why are we the most dependable cleaners in Fort Collins?

Mulberry Maids is honored to be the top cleaning company in Fort Collins. We only work with the best cleaners around, and thoroughly train and vet each one before sending them out to clean. 

We offer a 100% happiness guarantee, and we are confident that you will always be satisfied with your cleaning. We go above and beyond in working with all of our clients and customers to bring the best and safest cleaning to everyone. 

Mulberry Maids features easy and quick online booking, so you can get your cleaning scheduled stress free today.  Give us a call today and we look forward to working with you soon!