Cleaning With Salt

June 7, 2018 by Mulberry Maids

Fresh ground salt ready for cleaning

Salt has many uses, from cooking and food preservation, making paper, and to being an effective all natural cleaning tool.  Below are 10 ways to use of salt to help clean your home.

1 – Clean Sink Drains:  To help deodorize and cut grease build up in your kitchen sink, periodically pour hot salt water down your drain.

2 – Remove Water Rings on Wooden Tables:  Make a salt and vegetable oil paste, and rub onto water rings on your wooden tables.

3 – Refrigerator Cleaning:  Use a salt and soda water mixture for a safe and all natural refrigerator cleaning solution.  Use the solution to wipe out the interior of your refrigerator.  It will also help to deodorize the refrigerator.

4 – Rust Cleaning:  Make a mixture of salt and cream of tartar and combine with enough water to make a paste. Spread the paste onto the rust, and let it dry. Remove the paste with a dry cloth, and buff the surface.

5 – Wine Spills:  Whether the wine had stained your clothing or a tablecloth, blot up as much wine as possible with a rag or paper towel, and pour salt over the stain to help absorb more wine.  Soak the stained article in water for about half and hour, then wash in your washing machine.

6 – Toothpaste:  Use a 1:2 fine salt to baking soda ratio, for an all natural and simple toothpaste.  

7 – Grease Stain on Carpet:  Create a 1:4 ratio mixture of salt to rubbing alcohol, and scrub into the grease stain.  Rinse the mixture out with water once the stain has been removed.

8 – Revitalize Wicker Furniture:  Dip a stiff brush into a saltwater mix, and scrub your wicker furniture.  This will help keep the furniture from yellowing. Let the furniture dry in the sun afterwards

9 – Fireplace Cleaning:  While a fire is burning, throw a handful of salt into the fire.  This will help to loosen soot in the chimney.

10 – Prevent your Candles from Dripping Wax:  To prevent the mess of dripping candle wax, soak new candles in a mixture of a ½ cup water and a ½ cup of salt for a few hours.  You can then burn the candle normally once they dry.