Effective Rug Cleaning

November 30, 2021 by Mulberry Maids

colorful rugs hanging upRugs are great additions to homes, especially those with a great deal of hard floor surfaces. While they help to make the home more comfortable and beautiful, they can pose a challenge to cleaning. Because of this, any thorough cleaning of your home needs to take into account the cleaning and organization of your rugs. 

Luckily the best Loveland maids are here to help, from regular monthly service to getting your home ready to put on the market, we can tackle any job. Keeping your rugs clean and organized will not only keep your rugs looking great, but will make cleaning your whole home that much easier. 

Keep reading on to learn more about different tips and tricks to keep your rugs looking like new and your living space neat and orderly! 

How can I quickly clean my rugs?

Before you get started cleaning your rugs, make sure to read up about effectively cleaning your vacuum cleaner so it will be ready for cleaning. Additionally, take some time to read up on simple floor cleaning and speed cleaning tips. Once you have a routine down, cleaning your rugs will flow into your process much better. If you have a special type of rug, or are unsure if your rug is safe to clean with conventional methods, it is best to take it to a professional rug shop for guidance on cleaning it. Doing any cleaning of your rugs at home will always carry some risk for damage. Use caution and discretion based on the type of rug you have and how expensive the rug was in the first place.        

For rugs that are safe to vacuum:

  • Vacuum the rug as you would vacuum a normal carpet. 
  • Make sure to pick up the corners and edges of the rug to vacuum underneath, as those areas collect lots of dust and other particles. Using a hose attachment works really well for vacuuming underneath areas. 
  • Pick up the rug to clean underneath the whole area a few times a year. This is not always the easiest task, especially for large heavy rugs, but is still a good idea. It is good to clean the flooring underneath the rug, and give it a chance to air out. 

If you are unsure if vacuuming the rug will be safe or not, but really need to do some quick cleaning on it, it is best to take it outside and shake it out. This will get most of the built up dirt and debris out of the rug safely. 

To spot clean stains:

  • First, check out this free resource with tons of information about cleaning specific rug stains.
  •  It is always best to try a new stain removing solution in an inconspicuous area of the rug to ensure it does not strip away any color or cause further damage.
  • For fresh stains, start off by removing as much liquid or particles as possible with a clean white rag or paper towels. 
  • Make a warm water and dish soap solution or a warm water and laundry detergent solution to let set into the stain. Only apply what is needed for the stain, as you want the area to fully dry out. 
  • Blot the stain gently with warm water and your white rag, and make sure not to be too aggressive as it can set the stain in more and damage the rug. 
  • Once the stain is removed, make sure the rug is fully dried out. If the stain is on the edge of the rug, you can prop an item underneath it, so the rug can dry on both sides. You can also set up a fan to help blow air onto the wet area to help it dry quicker. 

There are also store bought options that can be used for cleaning rug stains, such as enzymatic stain removers that are sold at most stores. These can work well, but the overall process of using them is about the same as described above. Stains are always best tackled quickly, so if you don’t have a stain remover on hand, it is best to try out your own solution first.  

What are some ways to deep clean my rugs?

Depending on the type of material, some smaller rugs may be able to be washed in your washing machine. First vacuum the rug or shake it out really well outside. Then, use a gentle cycle with cold water in the washing machine. It is best to make sure that the rug can handle this type of cleaning, as you don’t want to damage it. After the rug has been washed, hang it up to fully air dry. You can use fans to help speed up the drying process. 

For rugs that should not be laundered in a washing machine, or if you are unsure, you can try to do a manual deep cleaning of the rug. Start out by vacuuming the rug well, then shaking it out outside to remove dirt and dust. Test an inconspicuous spot before proceeding with a full cleaning with some mild dish soap and water. Check to see if the colors run or bleed – if they do, take the rug to a professional to finish the cleaning. 

If the rug seems to take this type of cleaning well, then you can proceed with wetting the whole rug and using the dish soap solution to scrub the rug. You can use a soft brush to help spread and scrub the rug. 

Once the rug has been fully scrubbed with the soapy water, you should wash off all the soap. You can either use buckets of water to clear out the soap, or a hose to spray it down. The rug will now be quite wet, and should be air dried completely. This may take multiple days to achieve. Start out by trying to blot up as much water as possible with towels. Then lay the rug flat on the ground, turning it over every few hours. You can also set up fans to aid in the drying process. 

What are some organizational tips for my rugs?

Keeping your rugs organized will make cleaning your rugs and the surrounding areas in your home much easier. For rugs that can simply be vacuumed, having little to no clutter on the rug will make the vacuuming job really easy. 

Another trick for rugs is to use a rug sticky pad underneath it. This will help for rugs that can be vacuumed as the rug will stay in place much better. The edges and corners won’t bunch up, which will not only make cleaning it easier, but it will look cleaner and neater in your home. 

For really thin and flexible rugs that have a hard time staying in place, the best way to keep them organized is to minimize how many you have throughout the home. While they still may look nice, a home with too much rug clutter makes cleaning floors really difficult. If you need to pick up each rug and shake them out outside, you will make the floor cleaning process significantly longer!

Quality Loveland maids for any cleaning challenge!

Mulberry Maids is a full service cleaning company in Loveland, specializing in all aspects of residential home cleaning, from regular recurring services to move out cleaning jobs. We strive for perfection, and stand behind this with our 100% happiness guarantee. 

So whether you live near Seven Lakes Park or elsewhere in town, we are your go to cleaning service. With our satisfaction guarantee there is nothing to lose, so give yourself the gift of free time now!

Call us anytime or book your cleaning on our online booking page for the most convenience possible!