Health Benefits of a Clean Home

August 29, 2018 by Mulberry Maids

A clean and clutter free home, not only visually appealing, but it is great for your health.

Everyone enjoys a clean home, but did you know, a clean house can positively affect your health and well being? Below are some of the many health benefits of maintaining a clean and clutter free home.

Lower your Stress and Fatigue Levels  

Keeping a clean and clutter free home is a great way to lower your stress levels.  A tidy house will make it much easier to find things you need, and it will also make the act of cleaning easier.  You will not have piles of stuff to navigate around, and you will not be reminded of the mess that needs to be cleaned on a daily basis.  When tasks pile up, they get harder to do. All of these factors lead to more stress, mental and physical fatigue, and worst off – inaction!

Promote Physical Activity and Exercise

No matter how you slice it, house cleaning is physical!  From putting away your clutter, to vacuuming and mopping, to cleaning a bathroom, cleaning is a great way to get yourself on your feet, and ensure you are getting your daily exercise in.  The best part is, as you get used to consistently keeping your house in order, your energy will actually increase. Action breeds more action!

Lower Household Allergens

Whether you have pets, visitors who repeatedly refuse to take off their shoes in your home, or a sick child home from school, regularly cleaning will help to sanitize your home and reduce allergens in the air, furniture, and carpets.  This is especially important for people with asthma or other respiratory issues. Allergens, pet hair and dander, and dust mites are just a few of the things that can be lurking in your carpets, upholstered furniture, and dust that is spread around your home. Stay on top of vacuuming, dusting, and sweeping, and your lungs will thank you! In addition, raw foods can spread toxins and bacteria around your home, especially in your kitchen. Make sure to sanitize surfaces to keep them safe, and reduce the potential for food borne illnesses.


Tripping and falling are common household injuries that can be greatly reduced with a clutter free home. Miscellaneous items, such as children’s toys spread throughout your house, creates a dangerous tripping hazard. Keep things organized to decrease your risk of injury – your home should be a safe place!

Keep Pests at Bay

Regular sweeping, vacuuming, and taking out the trash can help reduce the chances of pests finding a suitable place to dwell.  Pests like warm and damp areas, and can thrive in a messy environment. Cleaning on a regular basis will help you identify a pest problem earlier on, and help to eliminate the type of environment that pests seek out.  

In addition to all of the cleaning benefits above, professional cleaning service is always a great compliment to your own routine cleaning.  Check out the Mulberry Maids services page for all your Fort Collins house cleaning needs!