How to Clean Window Tracks

September 6, 2018 by Mulberry Maids

Clean window tracks

Window tracks can be annoying to clean, but clean window tracks will really spruce up a room. Luckily, like so many things in your home, some simple household tools will do the cleaning trick. Grab your baking soda, vinegar, and an old toothbrush and get to work!

First, start off by sprinkling baking soda on the window tracks.  Spray some vinegar on top of the baking soda, and let them react for up to 10 minutes.  This reaction will help to break down any dirt and grime that has built up in the tracks.  

Next, take your old toothbrush and start to wipe the grime into the center, making sure to work the corners.  Gather up the dirt with a paper towel, and throw away. At this point the window tracks should be noticeably cleaner.  If there is still a lot of leftover gunk, repeat the first and second step.

Lastly, you can then take a wet rag or cloth, and start wiping down the tracks.  Scrub as needed to remove any leftover stains or lingering grime. To get into the corners and tough to reach spots, you can wrap the cloth around a butter knife.  Continue to wipe down the tracks until they are clean. Pair this with an all natural window cleaner, and enjoy your clean and clear windows and tracks!