How to Use a Pilling Tool in Your Home

December 29, 2023 by Mulberry Maids

pilling tool being used on a carpetDo you find that your furniture, rugs, carpet or clothing gets filled with lint, pet hair, or pills up frequently? While it is really frustrating to deal with this, a pilling tool can really help. As the provider of the highest quality house cleaning services in Windsor CO we are here to help guide you through the process of using a pilling tool throughout your home cleaning routine.

Keep reading for more information on using a pilling tool in multiple areas of your home. 

What is a pilling tool?

A pilling tool is a great tool to add to your cleaning kit, and will help to make sure that your household items remain in great shape longer. Similar to the simplicity of cleaning your home with vinegar, this tool will allow you to maintain your items better and reduce the need to prematurely buy more things that are not really needed. While a pilling tool will not prevent something from pilling up, it will remove the pills. This will make using things like sheets and furniture much more comfortable and consistently usable. 

What can I use this type of tool on in my home?


Rugs and carpets can develop pills over time, as well as build up excess pet hair and lint. To get started de-pilling your rugs and carpets, give it a thorough vacuuming first to remove debris, dust and other particles that have pilled up. You can then use your pilling tool or carpet shaver, and work throughout the rug. It is best to start in one corner so that you can stay organized in your movements of cleaning. You can tackle small blocks within the carpet, or work in lines, whichever you prefer. Make sure to periodically clean your tool as you are working. Finish this up with another vacuuming of the carpet or rug to get up any loose pills. You can also use a piece of tape to help lift up the loose pills.

Alternatively, you can also get pills up using a pumice stone. They are mildly abrasive, so will work well on many materials. Another simple way to de-pill, if you don’t have the right tools is with scissors and tape. Simply cut the loose pills, and use the tape to lift them out of the carpet or rug. 

As with anything cleaning related, if you are using a new tool or cleaning a new surface, start out gently and test it out in a small spot to make sure there is no damage. 


Furniture has a tendency to build up pills over time, and luckily a pilling tool, or even just a simple razor can work well in removing the pills. 

To get started, give your furniture fabric a good cleaning to pick up any loose debris or dust. You can then use your tool of choice to start de-pilling the fabric. Using the tool, gently shave the material and pills off in the direction of the fibers. Make sure to be gentle and light, so you don’t further damage the material or fabric beyond taking off the pills. After you shave with the fabric, you can do another run at a 90 degree angle (perpendicular) to the fabric. 

Once the de-pilling is done, you can vacuum the furniture with an upholstery attachment to pick up any loose pills and fibers, or alternatively, can use tape to lift it up. 

Clothing and fabrics

Similar to rugs, carpets, and fabric furniture, a variety of tools can be used to de-pill clothing. Before you start, make sure that your clothing is clean and washed. While you can use a razor, scissors or pumice stone, you can also try a battery powered de-pill tool for a more efficient de-pilling. You can also try to use a lint roller to get small pills out on clothing. 

To help prevent pilling in the first place on clothing, try to be gentle when washing your clothing. Use a fabric softener on a gentle cycle, with a mild detergent. Additionally, hang dry your clothing if possible. If that is not an option, make sure to take the clothing out of the dryer when it is dry, so it is not getting excessively dried and tumbled when it is not needed. 


Sheets have a tendency to build up pills quickly, and can be quite annoying when you want soft and smooth sheets on your bed. The best way to tackle sheets is to use a de-pilling tool or razor when the sheet is clean and dry, and fitted on the bed. Run the tool downwards over the pills. Then you can use tape to help lift up the loose pills on the surface of the sheet. You may also simply be able to use a lint roller if the pilling is not too severe. 

Pet hair and lint removal

In addition to removing the pills, a pilling tool will be able to help lift excess lint and pet hair from fabric surfaces. Always make sure to be gentle, as to not damage the surface that you are trying to clean. 

House cleaning services in Windsor CO that focus on the details!

Mulberry Maids is a detail oriented company, with a strong customer focus. Everyone on the team believes in the mission of service and helping others, through a high quality home cleaning service in Windsor CO. Take a moment to relax at Windsor Lake Coffee while we take care of your next home cleaning. From recurring services to move in and out cleanings, we do it all! 

Give us a call to check out our schedule or book your next cleaning. You can also email or text, or you can visit our booking page for a quick quote or to schedule your cleaning in no time!