Quick and Easy Toaster Oven Cleaning

July 27, 2023 by Mulberry Maids

a toaster oven with the door openToaster ovens may be small and efficient, but they can still create quite the mess! Whether it is dripping cheese from a reheated slice of pizza or grease splattering off of a chicken breast, keeping your toaster oven clean can sometimes be a challenge. But, it goes without saying that any deep kitchen cleaning should involve a cleaning of the toaster oven.

As your go-to company when you need help with your next deep house cleaning in Timnath CO, we are here to serve you! Everyone needs a little extra help from time to time, especially with chores like house cleaning. As the local experts, we have written this easy guide to cleaning your toaster oven quickly and easily. 

Keep reading to learn more about developing a toaster cleaning routine that can easily be added to your normal kitchen cleaning. 

What is a good toaster oven cleaning routine?

Whether you have a self cleaning toaster oven or a traditional one, the deep cleaning process will be the same. It is important to keep your toaster oven regularly cleaned to not only ensure the proper functioning of the appliance, but also to make sure that food splatter and grease drippings do not catch fire around the heating elements.

To get started, make sure that the toaster oven is unplugged, and cooled down after the last use. You can then gather your cleaning supplies, which will include a basic kit of microfiber cloths, some dish soap or vinegar, and a small brush. 

If you are new to cleaning, and need some extra help making some cleaning solution choices, visit our post all about safe green cleaning. 

When everything is prepped and ready, you can follow these steps to deep clean your toaster oven:

  • Fill your sink with a warm soapy water mixture. Place all of the removable trays and racks into the soapy water, and let them sit. 
  • Use your microfiber cloth or brush to wipe away all of the crumbs and loose debris inside the toaster oven. Make sure to focus on the corners and edges. 
  • Dip another microfiber cloth into your soapy water mixture, and use it to scrub the interior of the unit. Try not to get the heating elements wet, and be careful on non-stick surfaces to not use abrasive materials. 
  • Return to the soaking racks and trays in the sink. Scrub them as needed to remove any leftover grime or grease that was not removed simply from soaking. Make sure to thoroughly dry these parts before putting them back into the toaster. 
  • Dip another cloth into the soapy water solution and wipe down the exterior of the appliance. You can dry it with a clean and dry microfiber cloth when you are finished. For stainless steel toasters, you can also use a store bought stainless steel cleaner, or stainless steel wipes, to help get a streak free shine. 
  • Depending on where the heating element is located in your toaster, you can gently wipe it with a damp rag. 
  • Lastly, you will need to tackle the glass door on the toaster oven. It will likely be caked with grease, and there are a few ways to handle it. First, you can try an all natural baking soda and water paste that can be applied on the glass. Let is set in for a while, and then spray it with vinegar. You can then wipe the glass to help reduce the caked on grease. You can also try to, very carefully, use a loose razor blade to scrap the grease off. Lastly, you use a magic eraser to try and get the caked on grease off of the glass. 

How long does it take to clean a toaster oven?

Just like cleaning your air fryer, cleaning a toaster oven will be quicker the more often you do it. Tackling small messes in it right when it happens will go a long way in ensuring that the toaster oven stays cleaner for longer, and that it is easier to clean when it comes time for a deep cleaning.  

Factors to consider include:

  • How often the toaster oven is used. A toaster oven in a household of 5 will need to be cleaned more frequently, and likely will take more effort, than a toaster oven for a single person. 
  • What is being cooked in the toaster oven will have a big impact on how long it will take to clean. For a toaster that is mostly used to toast bread, it will be relatively quick and simple to clean. For toasters used to cook meats, or greasy food like pizza, they will need to be cleaned more often, and will likely take more effort to fight the caked on grease and food debris. 

How can I clean my toaster oven quickly?

As with everything in cleaning, the more consistently you clean it, the quicker it will be each time. Additionally, making sure that you clean up little messes right when they happen, will make each deep cleaning that much easier. Take a quick look at it after each use, as often grease splatter or falling food can be cleaned up in seconds when it is still fresh. 

You will also get much quicker at cleaning it if you are in a good habit. For a heavily used toaster, it may need to be deep cleaned on a weekly basis. This will not only keep it cleaner for longer, the habit of cleaning will be ingrained in you, and you will be that much quicker and efficient each time you need to clean it. 

Unmatched deep house cleaning in Timnath CO!

Mulberry Maids works with the best cleaners in the Timnath and the greater northern Colorado area. From our easy to use online booking platform to unrivaled customer service, we are your go to company for any residential cleaning needs. 

So take a few moments to yourself to sip some coffee at the CF&G Public Market & Coffeehouse, while we take care of the cleaning chores in your home. Reach out to us today via text, call, or email, and we will have your home shining again in no time!