Cleaning with Vinegar

April 11, 2018 by Mulberry Maids

Vinegar is one of the best and most cost effective cleaning agents, and has been used for ages.  It can be used to clean kitchens and bathrooms, and can fight dirt and stains throughout the whole house.  Read on for some easy recipes and tips to make your own vinegar cleaning solution.

Windows:  Use a half and half solution of water and white vinegar.  Soak up the solution with a sponge, and wipe down your windows.  Wipe the windows clean using a squeegee.


Blinds:  This solution uses a few more household items, but is still very easy.  Mix ½ a cup of white distilled vinegar, ¼ cup of baking soda, 1 cup ammonia, and 1 gallon of warm water and apply to blinds with a rag or sponge.  Wash blinds afterwards with water.

Microwave:  Boil a cup of water and a ¼ cup of white distilled vinegar in the microwave to create enough steam to use to wipe down the microwave.  

Dishes:  For a more thorough dishwashing, add about 2 cups of vinegar to the bottom of your dishwasher.  Add the normal amount of dish detergent and run on the normal cycle.

Shower Doors:  Soak a sponge in distilled white vinegar and wipe down the shower doors.

Wine Stains:  Apply a vinegar soak to the stained area of your carpet as soon as possible.  If the carpet can be machine washed, do so after the stain is removed.

Pet Urine:  Before using vinegar, you should dry the carpet with paper towels or rags as best you can.  Apply a half and half mixture of vinegar and water directly to the urine stain, and let it sit for at least 10 minutes.  Try to dry the carpet like before, then sprinkle baking soda over the top to help absorb any lingering odors. Finish up by vacuuming over the area.

Clogged Drains:  Start by pouring a pot of boiling water down the drain, followed by a ½ cup of baking soda.  Let this sit for a few minutes. Next pour an equal mixture of 1 cup vinegar and 1 cup hot water down the drain.  Cover the drain in case there is a reaction with this mixture, and let it sit for up to 10 minutes. To finish it off, pour another pot of boiling water down the drain.