How To Clean With A Compressed Air Duster

March 9, 2023 by Mulberry Maids

a compressed air duster canDusting can sometimes be a tricky task, especially in the small nooks and crannies, however, with the right tools, you can make the task much easier. One of those tools is a compressed air duster, which can pinpoint compressed air into small spaces to get them dust free. 

As the top maid service in Windsor CO, we are experts in dusting, and all of the tricks needed to get your home into immaculate shape. Keep reading on to learn some of the best uses of compressed air dusters to help make the task of dusting that much quicker and easier!

What are the best uses of a compressed air duster?

Similar to a shop vacuum, there are many ways to use a compressed air duster around the home. Here are some of the best uses of a compressed air duster:

In your home office

Keeping a clean home office is vital to keeping your productivity high, and one of the best uses of a compressed air duster is to get into the nooks and crannies of your computer keyboard. Simply spray the air into the keys on the keyboard to help expel dust and grime that has been caught in the keys. Not only will your keyboard be cleaner, it should also help with the smooth functioning of the individual keys. 

You can also use the spray duster on the corners and edges of lamps and lights, as well as any other small item that builds up dust in the grooves or corners. 

Lastly, compressed air sprayers will work wonders on screens and other electronics. Take a look at the small details and hidden areas, in addition to the screen, to get a full and thorough cleaning. 

Blinds and shades 

Blinds and shades can gather dust rather quickly, especially in summer time when windows are open. Compressed air dusters are great to help with a quick dusting of them, as they deliver concentrated power without any effort from the cleaner. 

Depending on how dusty the blinds or shades are, you may want to take them outside if possible when you spray them, so the dust doesn’t resettle right on the material. 

Picture frames and nick nacks

Picture frames and nick nacks can collect dust in hard to reach grooves, edges and corners. With a compressed air duster, you can use the straw attachment to pinpoint the air spray into the hard to reach areas. Once the spray has done its job, you can follow up with a general wet cleaning depending on the material with a microfiber cloth and all purpose spray to get it fully cleaned. 

Electric razors and coffee grinders

Appliances and gadgets such as electric razors and coffee grinders can build up lots of debris when it gets consistently used. Using an air spray bottle can help to get the small hairs, coffee grounds, or other debris out easily. With consistent cleaning, these will stay in better shape for longer. 


While compressed air dusters are typically not used for cleaning toilets, they can be really handy depending on the state that they are in. For toilets that have collected a bunch of dust and debris, use the sprayer while the toilet is dry for maximum power. Look at the corners and edges, as well as where the toilet meets the floor. Additionally, any screws or other hardware that can attract dust and debris should be focused on with the air duster. 

Car and truck interiors

Perhaps the best use for compressed air dusters are for cleaning the interior of vehicles. Cars build up so much dust and grime, as they are constantly open to the open air, and there are so many grooves, cracks, corners and edges that easily collect settling debris. 

Depending on how often you keep your windows open, you may want to use a duster spray on a weekly basis to keep things from getting too grimy. Simply use the spray in any area in the vehicle that has collected dust that you can not reach with traditional dusting techniques. These usually include areas such as the steering wheel, cup holders, window and lock controls, as well as the whole dashboard area. 

The highest quality maid service in Windsor CO is at your fingertips!

Mulberry Maids is proud to feature easy online quote submissions, as well as efficient and quick online booking! We feel like booking your home cleaning should not be another chore to have to take care of on your list, so we make it as quick and seamless as possible!

With our 100% happiness guarantee, you can rest assured that you have nothing to worry about when we come to clean your home. Take a morning off to visit Coffee House 29 in Windsor, while we take care of your home cleaning needs. 

Call, text, email or visit us online to get on our schedule today, or visit our frequently asked questions page for quick answers to any of your questions. Thanks for reading, and look forward to working with you soon!