How To Deal with Mail Clutter

October 18, 2022 by Mulberry Maids

a pile of envelopesThere are so many aspects to keeping your home truly clean. This can make keeping your Windsor home clean difficult, but rest assured, it is not impossible! By understanding the major things that lead to a messy home, you can deal with them more effectively. 

As one of the top house cleaning services in Windsor CO we are well versed in getting homes into shape, and keeping them clean and clutter free for good! One of the most crucial parts to keeping your home clean is reducing clutter. 

Today we will talk about an often overlooked culprit of clutter – mail! Keep reading to learn some easy tricks to help fight the buildup of mail clutter in your home.

What are the best steps to take to fight mail buildup?

Similar to cleaning and organizing your home office, keeping mail clutter down takes a plan of action that needs to be consistently followed. Aside from just throwing out all your mail as it comes in the door, a good way to deal with mail buildup is with organized trays of mail. 

Depending on the size of your household, you may need to have a few different trays to store your mail. For example, in a household with just a couple, start out with three different trays. One tray will be a “maybe” pile – this may house junk mail or other advertisements that you do not necessarily want to throw out right away if you think someone else in your home will want it. The other two trays will be personalized trays, for individual personal mail. 

When mail comes in the door, you can then separate it out. Mail that should be kept and is specific to one person will go in their tray, “maybe” mail will go into the “maybe” pile, and other junk mail should just be recycled right away. 

To further fight the mail clutter, you should place the trays inside of a cabinet or drawer, which will lead to having a more aesthetically pleasing space to live in. 

In addition to getting into the habit of separating the mail as it comes into your home, you will want to make sure that the mail does not pile up too much in each tray. Make sure to go through the mail at least a couple times a week – otherwise, you will just be organizing your extra clutter!

In summary:

  • Create a mail tray for everyone in your household
  • Make a “maybe” mail tray for general mail that doesn’t get recycled right away
  • Hide away or make sure the trays are neat and organized to keep the mail clutter from affecting your personal spaces
  • Make sure to go through each tray a few times a week to keep the mail from building up

How can I involve my family in this?

This can be the hardest part of any household chore, as often one person wants to make a change, but no one else is on board. Having an open discussion about why it is important to you, as well as how it will positively affect the household is a great place to start. 

Even if people are not on board initially, you can still work on mail clutter this way, especially if you are the one who brings the mail in each day. 

For kids, you can try to make a game out of it, or have rotating mail sorting days so it does not fall on one person forever. 

What if I fall behind?

Inevitably you and your household will fall behind on the mail clutter. It is best to not get upset and quit, but to pick up where you left off and continue to move forward. Similar to decluttering before you are ready to move, dealing with clutter of any kind is an ongoing process. Just like home cleaning, dealing with clutter unfortunately never ends! 

Working on getting into a consistent routine will ultimately win in the long run, even when days are missed and the mail piles up more than you’d like. Once it piles up, just take a few minutes to sort through it, and you will be back on top of things in no time! 

The finest house cleaning services in Windsor CO!

As the top home cleaning service in Windsor, CO, you can rest assured that your home will be taken care of by the best professionals around! From eco-friendly products to our highly trained staff, we are your go to home cleaners for everything from move out cleanings to weekly recurring service. 

So take some time away from chores, and spend an afternoon with your kids at the Windsor Community Recreation Center! Give us a call today to schedule your cleaning, or text or email us with any questions you have. 

Thanks for reading, and hope to work with you soon!