Storage Ideas for Small Spaces

January 31, 2024 by Mulberry Maids

shelving with lots of storageLiving in a clean and organized space can be an ongoing battle, but with the right tips, tricks, and habits, you can stay on top of keeping your home in great shape! For small homes, studio apartments, or other tiny spaces in your home, organization and proper storage will be key to keeping a clutter free living space. As we offer the best house cleaning in Windsor CO, we are well versed in providing and maintaining clean living spaces. 

Keep reading on to learn more about great storage ideas for small spaces. This can help to transform your small home office, closets, bedrooms, or your whole apartment into a much better space to live!

Why is proper storage important for a clean clutter free space?

There are so many facets to making sure that your home is the clean and tranquil space you want it to be. We talk a great deal here on our blog about all sorts of cleaning related tricks, from using a piling tool in your home, to managing clutter with better kitchen spice organization or a better kitchen freezer cleaning and decluttering routine. 


One of the common trends when talking about decluttering in any space is utilizing proper and effective storage to make sure your home is more organized, easier to clean, and overall more pleasant to live in. This is especially true when talking about small spaces, as there is less room for things to go, and they can get filled up with items that much quicker. 

Using the right storage solutions for the small spaces in your home will be key to decluttering your spaces effectively. This will include spaces such as small home offices, tiny garages, small apartments and studios, and any other space in your home that is small and crammed. 

No more excess

One great thing about getting your small spaces decluttered and organized is that you will be forced to go through the excess things that you have. Whether you have items that can be donated or sold, or simply just needed to be tossed out or recycled, organizing and decluttering will always help you to cut down on the excess. 

Better organization and easier living

Once things are organized and stored well, it will make your everyday life that much easier and more pleasant. Not only will additional clutter and belongings be put away, it will make finding things so much easier when you actually need them. 

What are the best storage tricks in a studio apartment or small room?

While the end product of an organized room is wonderful, it will take a bit of work to get there. To get started, set aside some time, or plan on taking a few evenings to really get things organized and decluttered. 

Start by decluttering

By now we sound like a broken record, but decluttering is the key to all things cleaning and organizing. Start out by going through everything in your room or space, and deciding if you are keeping it or getting rid of it. If you want to keep an item, decide if it will stay in that room or be put elsewhere in your home. If you are getting rid of it, set it aside, and do all that you can do to not throw it out. Try to donate it to a local group, charity or thrift shop, or you can try to sell it. You will be amazed at what people will buy! Once the decluttering is done, you should have all the items that are staying in the room left over, and nothing else. 

Work on the furniture and other permanent objects

Once you know what is staying and going, you can work on the permanent things. Do you already have storage built into your bed frame? What does your closet space look like?

Depending on the set up of the room, simply decluttering and using what you already have may be sufficient enough to get your small area re-organized. If not, it will be time to look into some other storage ideas. 

Raise your bed frame

There will not be a one size fits all storage solution for all small spaces, but there are some common trends that you can use to your advantage. One storage trick for small bedrooms is to utilize vertical space. One of the best ways to do this is to raise your bed up off the ground. Depending on what type of bed frame you have, this may or may not be the easiest or most practical solution. Even if you can’t raise your frame height, you will likely still be able to utilize some storage underneath your bed, using a long and low storage container. If you are doing this with a low bed, it is advisable to not store things that you need often, as they will be pretty hidden away.

For beds that you are able to raise up, you can use a variety of storage techniques, depending on your preferences. A simple storage solution is to use a rubber or plastic storage container. These can fit quite a lot of things inside of them, making them very useful, however, it may not be the prettiest form of storage, depending on the type of space it is in. Make sure to label each container, so you know where everything is. 

A more aesthetic way to utilize under the bed storage, is with a tall bed frame with built in shelves. These function just like a cabinet, where you can store clothes, without the space that is taken up with a separate cabinet. You can buy your own cabinet or shelf that can fit underneath a high raised bed frame. 

Utilize your door and other vertical spaces for hanging things

Similar to using the bed to your advantage for added vertical storage, you can use the same theory for other areas of your small space. One way to do this is with a door hung shelving system. These are great for bedrooms and bathrooms where there is not much room for added cabinets or shelves. They can also be used on closets or in pantries. 

Another way to utilize that space is with hanging simple hooks for various things. This can be really handy for people who need to store bicycles in their living areas, as there are many vertical bike storage solutions on the market, from a simple hook to a specific rack. Other ways this can be beneficial include coat and jacket hooks in entry ways where there is no closet or simple hanging bedside shelves when there is not room for a traditional nightstand. 

Shelf riser in cabinets

To add to the vertical storage idea, you can look for shelf risers, which will come in handy in small kitchens and bathrooms where there is not much shelf space. These will allow you to maximize storage in your cabinets by making stacking more practical and useful. Instead of stacking things on top of each other (making it hard to access the bottom), you can use the vertical space with the ease of being able to grab whatever is needed. For example, a shelf riser can sit directly over large plates in a kitchen cabinet, with small plates on the riser. 

Pegboard for kitchen storage

Small kitchens, especially for those who love to cook, can be a space in your home to really focus on. Similar to utilizing the shelf riser, a pegboard can be another great method for using the vertical wall space to the fullest extent. You can use a pegboard on your counter or wall to hang cookware and cooking utensils. Similarly, you can use hooks or other hanging devices for a similar purpose. Not only will it save a ton of room in your cabinets, it will make looking for things easier as well. 

Use a storage ottoman as a coffee table

Just like using your bed as a multifunctional piece of furniture, you can do the same in your living room. While this can work in any house, it will be especially helpful for small studio apartments, where there is very little room for any furniture that is not also highly functional. A storage ottoman can be used for both storage, and as a coffee table or foot rest. You can put anything in there, but will work best for living room items, such as blankets or pillows. Additionally, it is a great place to store extra electrical clutter, such as remotes and charging cords. 

House cleaning in Windsor CO that goes above and beyond!

Under promising and over delivering is our mantra at Mulberry Maids! With a detail oriented staff, we can clean your space to a level that most only dream of. To top it off, our excellent office staff is always ready to help you out along the way – whether it is a schedule change or buying a gift card for a friend, we are super easy to work with!

Get your next home cleaning on our schedule so you can lighten up your seemingly never ending to-do list. Instead of cleaning your home after dropping your kids off at Grandview Elementary School in Windsor, take a day off to enjoy yourself by simply relaxing in your newly cleaned home and space. 

Send us a text or email, or simply call us with any questions you have. From scheduling to what is included in each cleaning, we are here to help you every step of the way. Thanks for reading, and look forward to cleaning your home soon!