Quick and Easy Guide to Dorm Room Cleaning

September 22, 2023 by Mulberry Maids

a small bedroom painted blueWhile dorm rooms are typically small, they can get a ton of use! So, to make your dorm space as pleasant as possible, you will need to be consistently cleaning it to keep it in tip top shape!

As your go to Fort Collins apartment cleaning experts, we are here to guide you through getting your dorm room clean, and keep it that way. Not only will having a cleaner living space be more pleasant, you will be able to focus more on your tasks at hand, such as studying and getting your school work done!

Keep reading to learn more about getting your dorm room back to the clean and tranquil space it should be!

How do I start decluttering my dorm room?

One of the most crucial things to remember when it comes to cleaning (and dealing with clutter) is that staying ahead of the mess is best! Once your room is really dirty, cluttered and disorganized, it will be that much harder to get cleaned up again. It will take more time and effort, and will be easier to put off for another time. 

Before you can do any real cleaning of your dorm room, you will want to do a decluttering of it. This will make it easier to clean, and allow it to be a more peaceful and calming space once the cleaning is done. Additionally, when it is time to move out of your dorm room, it will be that much easier!

To get started decluttering, you can use the following tips:

  • Make sure no dishes or food is left out when not in use. 
  • Have designated places in your room for clean and dirty laundry. In a small space, it is very easy for clothing to take over the room.
  • Be very strict about putting clean laundry away right when you bring it back to your room. 
  • In small spaces like dorm rooms, extra belongings will not necessarily fit well. Consider donating or selling things that you do not need. 
  • Make sure to store away in a small cabinet or bin loose papers and other school books. These have a tendency to take over a room quickly, making it harder to live and study in your space. 
  • Always store remotes, game controllers, phone chargers, and so on in a designated place, so they don’t get scattered throughout the room. 

What is the best way to clean my dorm room?

In some ways, cleaning your dorm room will be a pretty easy task. Not having to deal with cleaning a bathroom or kitchen makes cleaning much simpler. If you have a dorm room with these rooms, check out our apartment cleaning guide for more cleaning tips. Because you won’t be dealing with the wet rooms, like a bathroom, you will just need some simple supplies. To get started, grab a few microfiber rags, a spray bottle with all purpose spray, such as vinegar, a vacuum cleaner, and potentially a simple mop if you have hard flooring. 

Once you have your supplies, you will want to start out with a dusting of your space. Look out for things like window sills and frames, fans, electronics, light fixtures and any exposed surfaces. Depending on the level of the dust, you may simply be able to dry dust with a microfiber rag, or you may need to use your all purpose spray for more power. Make sure to start high to knock dust and debris to the lower surfaces. Work from left to right through the room to make sure that nothing is missed. 

Once those surfaces are cleaned, you can take a look at baseboards. These may need a good scrubbing with your rags and all purpose spray. After all the dusting and scrubbing is done, you can finish up with the floors. Use your vacuum cleaner to look out for any debris that was knocked down during the cleaning, and finish up with a mopping if you have hard floors. 

When everything is finished up, it is a good time to do one last organization of the room. Make sure that everything is in the right spot, and take a minute to make the bed. This will help to transform your room into a clean and tranquil space, which will be much more pleasant to live and study in. 

How long will it take to clean my space?

Every room is a bit different, and the level of cleanliness to start out with will vary as well. For a consistently cleaned dorm room, this routine could take as little as 10 minutes. If you are dealing with a bunch of clutter, and a room that has not been cleaned for a while, it could take an hour to get it looking good again. 

Factors to consider when thinking about timing include:

  • The size of your dorm room is the key factor. Large dorm rooms that have an additional common area shared between students will take longer to clean. 
  • The current state of your dorm room. A very neglected room will take a lot more time and effort to get back into shape..

Fort Collins apartment cleaning at your fingertips!

Mulberry Maids works with the best cleaners around who have the experience and expertise needed to provide top notch apartment cleanings in Fort Collins and the surrounding areas. With easy to use online booking and quote requests, we are your go to cleaning company in northern Colorado. 

When you book a cleaning using our easy online scheduling system, in addition to us providing you an excellent cleaning service: you will also free up your time so you can grab a treat at the Little Bird Bakeshop in between classes or work, instead of stressing about your cleaning chore list. 

Reach out today, and we will get your next cleaning set up in no time!